📄️ Intro Material
strahl leverages the OpenPBR surface shading model to achieve physically-based rendering.
📄️ Base Color
The base color is the color of the material when looking straight at it (normal incidence). The base weight is multiplied with the base color to control the strength of the color.
📄️ Specular Reflection
Specular reflection is a mirror-like reflection of light off a surface. The specular weight determines the intensity of the reflection. The specular color gives the reflection a tint. Use the specular roughness to control the sharpness of the reflection.
📄️ Metal
Metal materials are highly reflective. Use the base metalness to control how much of the material is metal and how much is dielectric. Reduce specular roughness to make the reflection sharper.
📄️ Diffuse Roughness
For materials such as matte paint, the diffuse roughness controls how much the light is scattered when it hits the surface. The higher the value, the more the light is scattered which leads to less pronounced highlights.
📄️ Emission
Emission can be used to model light sources. The emission luminance controls the brightness (nits) of the light source. The emission color gives the light a tint.